Mandarin Ducks, also known as 'love ducks', represent dedication and loyalty.
Image Source : pixabayCranes symbolise good fortune, freedom, peace, and immortality. They also represent harmonious balance.
Image Source : freepikGold Fish is symbol of good luck, wealth and it symbolises beauty and harmony.
Image Source : pixabayElephants are the symbol of fortune, protection, and luck.
Image Source : freepikHorses brings power, strength, success, and good luck to all the family members.
Image Source : PIXABAYPeacocks are considered powerful which symbolises good luck, protection, grace, love, and beauty.
Image Source : freepikDragons bring a lot of power to life which depicts royalty and keeps negativity away from home.
Image Source : pixabayNext : Meet most friendliest animals in the world