What is Musk's TruthGPT? Everything you must know

What is Musk's TruthGPT? Everything you must know

Image Source : TruthGPT

TruthGPT is an alternative to ChatGPT

Image Source : TruthGPT

TruthGPT is Elon Musk's AI-powered chatbot

Image Source : TruthGPT

The new chatbot aims to address limitations and prioritize responses

Image Source : TruthGPT

TruthGPT will provide reliable information to fight misinformation, says Musk

Image Source : TruthGPT

The new chatbot will seek maximum truth to understand the nature of the universe

Image Source : TruthGPT

Musk said that an AI which wants to understand humanity is less likely to destroy it

Image Source : TruthGPT

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