Apple devices are popular amongst tech enthusiasts with large number of people using them
Image Source : FileMost of the Apple products start with 'i' such as iPhone, iPad, iPod
Image Source : FileEver wondered what that little "i" means in iPhone, iPad, and iPod?
Image Source : FileApple products, known for their popularity, often carry this prefix
Image Source : FileOne of the most iconic and influential products to carry the "i" prefix is the iPhone
Image Source : FileHowever, it all started with the iMac in 1998
Image Source : FileDuring its launch, then-CEO Steve Jobs explained that the "i" wasn't just a random letter
Image Source : FileIt represents five key concepts: internet, individual, instruct, inform, and inspire
Image Source : FileHe also hinted at its meaning as the personal pronoun "I" and its connection to "instruction" in education
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