10 popular emojis and their meanings you might not know about

10 popular emojis and their meanings you might not know about

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Sweat smile: Used to depict a close call, but is also often used in awkward situations during a chat.

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Upside down face: Depicts being silly and sarcastic

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Stuck out tongue: Conveys a sense of excitement, fun, and cuteness.

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No mouth: Conveys the situation when one has no words to speak due to disappointment in a positive or negative way.

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Smirk: Use this emoji when you’ve achieved something great and can’t wait to boast about it.

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Woozy face: When you've had too much to drink.

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Disguised face: Represents sneaking into solving a particular case or matter.

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Face with Monocle: Depicts taking a closer look at something.

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Face in clouds: Used to depict confusion and foggy thoughts.

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Face with diagonal mouth: Used to express doubtfulness.

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