North Korea's Kim Jong-un scared of barbers | Strange Facts

North Korea's Kim Jong-un scared of barbers | Strange Facts

Image Source : REUTERS

His real age is a mystery- no one has any clue to his actual birthday.

Image Source : REUTERS

A military commander with no training- with practically no experience in the armed forces, he is heading the nation's military.

Image Source : REUTERS

Surgery to resemble his grandfather- Kim Jong-un's goal was to undergo plastic surgery to look like his grandfather, Kim Il-sung.

Image Source : REUTERS

He is afraid of barbers: Kim Jong-un's haircut is special – it's called the "ambitious" but he is believed to be scared of barbers.

Image Source : REUTERS

Executed many of his family members- reportedly he ordered the execution of his uncle, Jang Song-thaek.

Image Source : REUTERS

Addiction to Swiss cheese- Large amounts of cheese are imported every year to satisfy his cravings.

Image Source : REUTERS

Attended the Swiss school using a fake name- He was enrolled at a top private school but proved to be poor academically.

Image Source : REUTERS

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