Rahul Gandhi's bike odyssey in Ladakh continues. He reached Lamayuru on Tuesday after covering a distance of about 130 kilometers from Leh town.
Image Source : Instagram/rahulgandhi
Lamayuru is a small town in the Leh district of Ladakh, known for its ancient monastery and incredible landscape.
Image Source : Instagram/rahulgandhi
This is part of Gandhi's week-long tour of Ladakh, his first after the region was granted Union Territory status after being carved out of Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019.
Image Source : Instagram/rahulgandhi
During his tour, he has met with local people, visited tourist destinations, and interacted with the media.
Image Source : Instagram/rahulgandhi
Some people have praised Rahul for his efforts to connect with the people of Ladakh, while others have criticised him for using the trip for political purposes.
Image Source : Instagram/rahulgandhi
Next : Rajiv Gandhi birth anniversary: Gandhi family pays tributes to former PM
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