List of Indian military bases across the world | IN PICS

List of Indian military bases across the world | IN PICS

Image Source : AP

Farkhor Air Base in Tajikistan - This is India's first military base outside its territory and became operational in 2006. This base is operated by the Indian Air Force in collaboration with the Tajik Air Force and provides a strategic outpost in Central Asia to protect vital security interests.

Image Source : PTI

Indian Military Training Team (IMTRAT) in Bhutan - This military base is located in Haa Dzong in Western Bhutan and is responsible for the training of Royal Bhutan Army (RBA) and the Royal Bodyguard of Bhutan (RBG) personnel. It houses a significant Indian Army presence.

Image Source : Indian Army

Agalega Island in Mauritius - India has another military base in Mauritius' Agalega Island which has a coastal surveillance radar system. This base was developed through a joint India-Mauritius military cooperation agreement and aims to protect India's maritime interests in the Indian Ocean.

Image Source : PTI

Listening Post in Madagascar - Established in 2007, this is India's first listening post-cum-monitoring station in northern Madagascar aimed to monitor maritime traffic and communications in the Indian Ocean. It is also India's first electronic intelligence-gathering outpost in foreign land.

Image Source : PTI

Changi Naval Base in Singapore - This base serves as a staging ground for Indian naval operations and bolsters its strategic presence at the Strait of Malacca. It is a key component of the India-Singapore military collaboration and again aims to counter China's influence in the region.

Image Source : PTI

Multiple facilities in Oman - The Middle Eastern country houses a listening post at Ras al Hadd, berthing rights at Muscat naval base, and other facilities in Duqm. This provides India access to the Gulf of Oman, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea, and provides logistical support for the Indian Navy and Air Force.

Image Source : PTI

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