International Yoga Day 2023: Security personnel showcase thrilling asanas

International Yoga Day 2023: Security personnel showcase thrilling asanas

Image Source : India TV

Indian Army holds Yoga sessions at Pangong Tso Lake

Image Source : India TV

Army personnel perform Yoga at Pangong Tso Lake

Image Source : India TV

Indian Army organizes a yoga session on the world's highest battlefield, Siachen Glacier.

Image Source : India TV

Army personnel attend a Yoga session in Siachen Glacier

Image Source : India TV

Army personnel hold Yoga sessions in Sikkim

Image Source : India TV

Army personnel perform Yoga in the snow in Sikkim to mark the 9th International Yoga Day

Image Source : India TV

Army personnel participate in Yoga sessions in Sikkim

Image Source : India TV

Security personnel perform one fo the toughest asanas in a deserted area in Rajasthan

Image Source : India TV

Army holds Yoga event in Arunachal Pradesh

Image Source : ani

Army personnel deployed in Arunachal Pradesh, perform Yoga

Image Source : ani

Next : International Yoga Day in full swing in London | IN PICS