World Population Day 2024: Top 10 least populated countries in the world | Check List

World Population Day 2024: Top 10 least populated countries in the world | Check List

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With approximately 764 people, Vatican City is the smallest independent state in the world, both in terms of area and population.

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Tokelau’s isolated location and a limited land area of just 26 square kilometers naturally constrain its population, which numbers around 1,915 people.

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Niue is a self-governing island country, in free association with New Zealand, with the country home to about 1,935 people.

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The Falkland Islands’ isolated position and harsh sub-Antarctic climate make it an unattractive destination for large-scale settlement with a population closer to 3,500.

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Montserrat has a small population of an estimated 4,372 people, largely due to a devastating volcanic eruption in the 1990s that destroyed much of the island and forced many residents to flee.

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Saint Pierre and Miquelon, a French territorial collectivity in the North Atlantic has a population of around 5,815 people.

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Saint Barthelemy’s tiny land area of just 25 square kilometres and focus on luxury tourism rather than large-scale industry with approximately at 11,019.

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Wallis and Futuna in the South Pacific consist of three small volcanic islands with a total land area of just 142 square kilometers. Its remote location and lack of major economic activities result in a population closer to 11,439 people.

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Tuvalu, this Pacific island nation, comprising nine small atolls, has a population of merely 11,478 people.

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Nauru’s total land area of just 21 square kilometres and its remote location in Micronesia limits its population to roughly 12,884 people.

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Next : World Population Day 2024: Top 10 most populated countries in the world | Check List