World Plant Milk Day 2024: 5 best plant milk you should consume for healthy lifestyle

World Plant Milk Day 2024: 5 best plant milk you should consume for healthy lifestyle

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Almond Milk: Low in calories, rich in vitamin E, and promotes heart health. Great for low-carb and low-calorie diets.

Image Source : Google

Cashew Milk: Creamy and rich in magnesium, it supports bone health and offers a delicious, mild flavour.

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Oat Milk: High in fibre and beta-glucan, supports digestive health, and is naturally sweet without added sugars.

Image Source : Google

Soy Milk: Packed with protein and essential amino acids, it aids muscle repair and supports overall health.

Image Source : Google

Hemp Milk: Contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and brain function.

Image Source : Google

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