Want to Quit Smoking? Avoid These 5 Trigger Foods

Want to Quit Smoking? Avoid These 5 Trigger Foods

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Coffee and Tea: Many smokers associate coffee and tea with smoking, so these beverages can trigger cravings. Try herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee instead.

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Chocolate: Chocolate contains ingredients that can mimic the effect of nicotine in the brain, making you crave cigarettes. If you have a sweet tooth, try fruit instead.

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Alcohol: Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, making it more likely that you'll give in to a craving. If you must drink, stick to one drink.

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Cheese: Cheese can also trigger cravings for some smokers. If you love cheese, try to limit your intake to small amounts and avoid pairing it with other triggers, such as wine.

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Red meat: It can increase levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and reward. This can make you crave cigarettes. Opt for lean protein sources, such as fish or chicken, instead.

Image Source : Freepik

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