Want to lose winter weight? Try these delicious snacks

Want to lose winter weight? Try these delicious snacks

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Roasted Chickpeas: Crunchy and protein-packed, roasted chickpeas make a satisfying, fibre-rich snack that aids weight loss and boosts energy.

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Banana Bread: A homemade, whole-grain banana bread offers a sweet and filling option, rich in fibre and potassium for sustained energy.

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Grilled Pineapple: Juicy and caramelised, grilled pineapple is a sweet, vitamin C-rich snack that satisfies cravings while aiding digestion.

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Makhana: A guilt-free, nutrient-packed choice, makhana (fox nuts) is a low-calorie snack high in fibre and essential minerals.

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Greek Yoghurt with Berries: Low-calorie Greek yoghurt paired with antioxidant-rich berries provides a delicious, protein-packed treat for weight-conscious snackers.

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Oatmeal: Fibre-rich oatmeal stabilises blood sugar, keeping you full longer and supporting weight loss goals with its nutritional benefits.

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Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a whole-grain, low-calorie snack that provides fibre and crunch, perfect for mindful munching during weight management.

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