Want a floral decoration at your home? 5 flowers for home decor

Want a floral decoration at your home? 5 flowers for home decor

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Peonies: Luxurious and lush, embodying romance and prosperity. Perfect for adding a touch of opulence and charm to any setting.

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Carnations: Long-lasting and versatile, symbolising love and admiration. Perfect for any occasion, from casual gatherings to formal events, adding timeless charm.

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Orchids: Exotic and graceful, representing luxury and refinement. Enhance any space with their delicate blooms and long-lasting beauty.

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Hydrangeas: Abundant and versatile, they evoke feelings of abundance and gratitude. Ideal for creating stunning floral arrangements and centrepieces.

Image Source : Google

Lavender: Calming fragrance and lovely purple hues. Ideal for relaxation spaces, promoting tranquillity and adding a natural touch to the decor.

Image Source : Google

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