Top Vitamin D Foods for Vegetarians

Top Vitamin D Foods for Vegetarians

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Swiss Cheese: Swiss cheese contains Vitamin D, promotes bone health, and adds a flavorful, calcium-rich element to a vegetarian diet.

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Soy Milk: Enriched with Vitamin D, soy milk promotes bone strength and provides essential nutrients for overall well-being.

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Orange Juice: Enhanced with Vitamin D, this citrus beverage provides a refreshing, nutrient-rich option for vegetarians.

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Fortified foods: Some food products that don’t naturally contain vitamin D are fortified with this nutrient. Milk, Juice, oatmeal, and cereal are some examples

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Tofu: A soy-based protein, tofu offers Vitamin D and supports calcium absorption, aiding in immune function.

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Mushrooms: Rich in Vitamin D, these fungi boost immunity and support bone health, making them a nutritious vegetarian choice.

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