Top 5 kitchen essentials to manage diabetes

Top 5 kitchen essentials to manage diabetes

Image Source : Pexels

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties which may improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.

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Fenugreek seeds have soluble fibre and compounds which regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.

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Ginger has sugar-lowering effects on the blood and can help reduce spikes and dips in blood sugar.

Image Source : Pexels

Cloves contain eugenol which can help lower blood glucose to safe levels. However, overconsumption can also cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) which could have adverse effects on health.

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Cumin can stimulate insulin production and also help combat insulin resistance in diabetic patients. Not only does it lower blood glucose levels but also aids in weight management.

Image Source : Pexels

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