Remove the Seed: Start by cutting open a ripe avocado and carefully removing the seed. Rinse it to remove any remaining fruit.
Image Source : SocialPrepare the Seed: Insert three to four toothpicks into the seed, spaced evenly around its circumference. This will allow you to suspend the seed in water.
Image Source : SocialPlace in Water: Fill a glass or jar with water and place the seed, broad end down, into the water. The toothpicks should keep the seed suspended above the water level.
Image Source : SocialFind a Sunny Spot: Place the glass or jar in a sunny location, such as a windowsill. Change the water regularly to keep it fresh.
Image Source : SocialWait for Roots and Sprout: After a few weeks, the seed should begin to sprout roots and a stem. The root system will develop first, followed by a shoot.
Image Source : SocialPlant the Seedling: Once the stem is about 6 inches tall and the roots are well-developed, transplant the seedling into a pot with well-draining soil.
Image Source : SocialCare for the Plant: Water the plant regularly and provide it with adequate sunlight. As the plant grows, you may need to re-pot it into a larger container.
Image Source : SocialMaintain and Prune: As your avocado tree grows, you can prune it to encourage a bushier shape and continue to care for it by providing nutrients and monitoring for pests.
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