7 laziest creatures in the animal kingdom

7 laziest creatures in the animal kingdom

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Giant Panda: Eats bamboo and rests for long periods, expending minimal energy due to the low-calorie diet and slow metabolism.

Image Source : Google

Koala: Sleeps up to 20 hours a day, primarily to digest eucalyptus leaves, which are low in nutrients and energy.

Image Source : Google

Hippopotamus: Largely sedentary, spending most of its time submerged in water to keep cool and conserve energy.

Image Source : Google

Sloth: Moves slowly and spends most of its life hanging from trees, conserving energy by moving at a sluggish pace.

Image Source : Google

Cuckoo: Known for its minimal activity, especially during the non-breeding season, often resting in trees and not engaging in much movement.

Image Source : Wikipedia

Garden Snail: Moves at a very slow pace, taking hours to cover a few inches, conserving energy due to its low metabolism.

Image Source : Google

Echidna: Moves slowly and spends much of its time burrowed underground or in its nest, conserving energy with minimal activity.

Image Source : Google

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