Lychee: 7 health benefits of the powerhouse summer fruit

Lychee: 7 health benefits of the powerhouse summer fruit

Image Source : Pixabay

Litchi fruit is a great help to your digestive system. For those with digestive issues, the fibre content in litchi can smoothen the bowel movement and trigger the production of enzymes.

Image Source : Pexels

Drinking one glass of litchi juice can reduce symptoms of discomfort. It is low in fat and calories high in water content and is a great addition to your weight loss regime.

Image Source : Pexels

Litchee is rich in copper and consumption of it can help increase the production of red blood cells in the body. It holds great benefits for older individuals as it promotes proper blood circulation.

Image Source : Pexels

Lychee fights free radicals that damage the skin and can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, blemishes, fine lines, and other signs of ageing. The Vitamin E present in the fruit also relieves sunburns and irritation.

Image Source : Pixabay

Lychee is abundant with Vitamin C, which makes it a great source of immunity. Consuming 7 lychees can fulfil 100% of the Vitamin C requirements of your body!

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Lychee can increase bone strength as it is packed with nutrients such as iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. These nutrients increase calcium absorption and strengthen the bones.

Image Source : Pexels

Lychee contains polyphenols which can reduce damage caused to the liver. Due to its properties, it can also prevent alcoholic fatty liver disease which occurs as a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

Image Source : Pixabay

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