Inexpensive substitutes for Zucchini

Inexpensive substitutes for Zucchini

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Eggplant: With a hearty texture, eggplant is a great substitute, especially in baked dishes like casseroles or ratatouille.

Image Source : Freepik

Cucumber: Mild and watery, cucumber works well in place of zucchini, adding a refreshing crunch to salads or sautés.

Image Source : Freepik

Patty Pan Squash: A close relative to zucchini, pattypan squash shares a similar taste and texture, making it an ideal substitute.

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Pumpkin: With a soft and earthy texture, pumpkin can be an appropriate substitute in baked goods or sautés, adding a rich depth of flavour.

Image Source : Freepik

Apple: While sweet, apple offers a unique twist, enhancing the flavour profile in both sweet and savoury dishes like salads or stews.

Image Source : Google

Yellow Squash: Similar in texture and taste, yellow squash is a versatile alternative to zucchini, especially in various frying dishes.

Image Source : Google

Celery: Crisp and mild, celery can be a refreshing addition to salads or soups, replacing zucchini's texture.

Image Source : Freepik

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