Independence Day 2024: 5 lesser-known facts about the National Flag

Independence Day 2024: 5 lesser-known facts about the National Flag

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Inspiration Behind the Design: The Indian flag's tricolor design was inspired by the flag of the Indian National Congress, which itself was influenced by the red and white stripes of the American flag and the green and white stripes of the Irish flag.

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The Ashoka Chakra: The navy blue Ashoka Chakra at the center of the flag has 24 spokes, representing the eternal wheel of law. It was adopted from the Lion Capital of Ashoka, an ancient Indian sculpture.

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Symbolism of Colours: The saffron stripe symbolizes courage and sacrifice, the white stripe represents peace and truth, and the green stripe stands for faith and chivalry.

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Fabric Specifications: The flag's proportions are strictly maintained at 2:3, with the ratio of the Ashoka Chakra's diameter to the flag's height being 1:4.

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Proper Display Etiquette: The flag should always be displayed with the saffron stripe on top and the Ashoka Chakra facing forward. It's also mandated that it never touches the ground or water.

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