5 DIY ideas to make eco-friendly Holi colours

5 DIY ideas to make eco-friendly Holi colours

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Turmeric Yellow: Mix turmeric powder with gram flour for a vibrant yellow hue, safe for skin and environment, with natural antibacterial properties.

Image Source : Google

Beetroot Red: Boil beetroot slices in water, strain, and let them dry for a deep red colour, eco-friendly and gentle on the skin.

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Spinach Green: Blend spinach leaves with water, strain, and mix with cornstarch for a lush green colour, organic and non-toxic.

Image Source : Google

Blueberry Purple: Mash blueberries, strain the juice, and mix with flour for a rich purple shade, eco-friendly and skin-friendly.

Image Source : Google

Hibiscus Pink: Steep dried hibiscus flowers in warm water, strain, and mix with cornstarch for a lovely pink hue, eco-friendly and natural.

Image Source : Google

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