Got a desk job? Try these healthy snacks to keep you energised

Got a desk job? Try these healthy snacks to keep you energised

Image Source : Freepik

Almonds: Rich in protein and healthy fats, almonds provide sustained energy and help curb hunger between meals.

Image Source : Pexels

Greek Yoghurt: Packed with protein and probiotics, Greek yoghurt supports digestion and keeps you full longer.

Image Source : Freepik

Fresh Fruit: Natural sugars and fibre in fruits boost energy levels and satisfy sweet cravings healthily.

Image Source : Freepik

Dark Chocolate: Contains antioxidants and a bit of caffeine to enhance focus and mood without excessive sugar.

Image Source : Freepik

Trail Mix: A blend of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits provides a balanced mix of protein, fats, and carbs for energy.

Image Source : Google

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