Full Moon calendar 2024: Names, dates and symbolism

Full Moon calendar 2024: Names, dates and symbolism

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Wolf Moon - January 25: Symbolises winter's peak, named after wolves howling hunger in cold.

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Snow Moon - February 24: Reflects snowy landscapes, signalling cold intensity, aiding hunting and survival in ancient times.

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Worm Moon - March 25: Marks earthworm emergence, signifying spring's arrival, prompting planting and renewal of life.

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Pink Moon - April 24: Represents pink phlox flowers, indicating spring's bloom and time for planting crops.

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Flower Moon - May 23: Celebrates the peak of spring and blooming of abundant wildflowers.

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Strawberry Moon - June 22: Marks strawberry harvesting season, signifying abundance and ripeness in nature's cycle.

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Buck Moon - July 21: Time for male deer to shed their antlers and prepare for mating season.

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Sturgeon Moon - August 19: Coincides with an increased amount of sturgeon fishes, symbolising plentiful fishing opportunities and sustenance.

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Harvest Moon - September 18: Aids farmers in harvesting crops, providing extra moonlight during the crucial harvest season.

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Hunter's Moon - October 17: Traditionally used for extended hunting under the bright moonlight.

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Beaver Moon - November 15: Aligns with beaver activity, indicating time for gathering resources and preparing for colder months.

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Cold Moon - December 15: Signifies the onset of winter's chill, urging preparation for cold weather and introspection during long nights.

Image Source : Google

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