Dragon fruit vs Passion fruit: Which one to eat in the morning during summer?

Dragon fruit vs Passion fruit: Which one to eat in the morning during summer?

Image Source : Canva
Hydration: Both dragon fruit and passion fruit are rich in water content, making them excellent choices for hot summer mornings. However, dragon fruit has a slightly higher water content (around 80-90%) compared to passion fruit (around 70-80%).

Hydration: Both dragon fruit and passion fruit are rich in water content, making them excellent choices for hot summer mornings. However, dragon fruit has a slightly higher water content (around 80-90%) compared to passion fruit (around 70-80%).

Image Source : Canva
Nutrient Profile: Dragon fruit is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B2 and potassium. Passion fruit, on the other hand, is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and iron. Both fruits give you essential nutrients but passion fruit has slightly higher antioxidants.

Nutrient Profile: Dragon fruit is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B2 and potassium. Passion fruit, on the other hand, is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and iron. Both fruits give you essential nutrients but passion fruit has slightly higher antioxidants.

Image Source : Canva/ Freepik
Seasonal Availability: Both dragon fruit and passion fruit are available during the summer months. However, dragon fruit is more widely available and has a longer shelf life which makes it a better choice.

Seasonal Availability: Both dragon fruit and passion fruit are available during the summer months. However, dragon fruit is more widely available and has a longer shelf life which makes it a better choice.

Image Source : Canva/ Freepik

Digestive Health: Dragon fruit contains prebiotic fibre which can help support gut health and help in digestion. Passion fruit, however, has a higher amount of dietary fibre which can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote satiety.

Image Source : Canva/ Freepik

Antioxidant Properties: Both dragon fruit and passion fruit are rich in antioxidants which can help protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation. However, passion fruit contains a higher amount of polyphenols, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Image Source : Canva/ Freepik

Calorie and Sugar Content: Dragon fruit is relatively low in calories (around 50-60 calories per 100g) and sugar content (around 7-8g per 100g). Passion fruit, on the other hand, is slightly higher in calories (around 70-80 calories per 100g) and sugar content (around 10-12g per 100g).

Image Source : Canva/ Freepik

In conclusion, both dragon fruit and passion fruit are nutritious and refreshing choices for a summer morning snack. However, if you're looking for a fruit that's higher in water content and has a milder flavour, dragon fruit might be the better choice. If you prefer a fruit with a more intense flavour and higher antioxidant capacity, passion fruit might be the best one for you.

Image Source : Canva/ Freepik

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