Dalgona to Chapssaltteok: Popular Korean desserts you can try making at home

Dalgona to Chapssaltteok: Popular Korean desserts you can try making at home

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Injeolmi is a popular Korean rice cake that's perfectly soft, chewy, nutty and mildly sweet.

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Hotteok, sometimes called hoeddeok, is a type of filled pancake known as a popular street food in South Korea.

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Fruits shaved ice milk is refreshing yet creamy summer dessert. Inspired by Korean dessert (bingsu), it's easy to make at home.

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Dalgona is a Korean candy made with melted sugar and baking soda originating from South Korea.

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This easy Korean fresh cream cake or Saeng cream cake is made with sponge cake layers, fresh whipped cream, and fresh strawberries.

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Chapssaltteok dough is made with glutinous rice, so it has a soft and chewy texture, inside is filled with sweet red bean paste.

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