Burger Day 2024: 5 delicious sides to serve with burgers other than fries

Burger Day 2024: 5 delicious sides to serve with burgers other than fries

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Grilled Vegetables: Smoky and charred, grilled vegetables add a healthy, flavourful crunch that complements the juiciness of burgers perfectly.

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Coleslaw: Creamy, tangy coleslaw provides a refreshing contrast, balancing the richness of the burger with its crisp texture.

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Onion Rings: Crispy, golden onion rings offer a crunchy, slightly sweet alternative that adds a fun twist to your burger meal.

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Potato Salad: A classic, creamy potato salad with herbs and mustard delivers a hearty, satisfying side that pairs beautifully with burgers.

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Corn on the Cob: Grilled or buttered, corn on the cob brings a sweet, juicy side that's both simple and irresistibly tasty.

Image Source : Google

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