7 Vegetarian foods rich in Omega-3

7 Vegetarian foods rich in Omega-3

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Flaxseeds: Nutrient-dense seeds, boasting omega-3s and lignans, benefitting heart and hormone health with anti-inflammatory properties.

Image Source : Freepik

Chia seeds: Tiny powerhouses packed with omega-3s, fibre, and antioxidants, promoting heart health and aiding digestion.

Image Source : Freepik

Algal Oil: Derived from algae, a plant-based source of DHA omega-3s, crucial for brain health, cognition, and vision support.

Image Source : Google

Walnuts: 3. Heart-friendly nuts containing ALA omega-3s, supporting brain function and reducing inflammation for overall well-being.

Image Source : Freepik

Soybeans: 7. Versatile legumes rich in ALA omega-3s, protein, and minerals, supporting heart health and providing essential nutrients in plant-based diets.

Image Source : Freepik

Hemp Seeds: Protein-rich seeds offering omega-3s and a balance of essential fatty acids, fostering cardiovascular health and muscle development.

Image Source : Google

Edamame: Young soybeans rich in omega-3s, protein, and fibre, contributing to heart health and muscle maintenance in a plant-based diet.

Image Source : Google

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