7 low-carb rice substitutes for weight loss

7 low-carb rice substitutes for weight loss

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Black Rice: Rich in antioxidants and fibre, black rice is a nutritious, low-carb option that adds a deep, nutty flavour.

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Oats: Oats are nutrient-dense, high in fibre, and low in carbs, making them a satisfying alternative to rice.

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Quinoa: Though slightly higher in carbs, quinoa is packed with protein and fibre, making it a healthier rice substitute.

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Millets: High in fibre and nutrients, millets are low in carbs and offer a nutty flavour, great for weight loss.

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Barley: A whole grain rich in fibre, barley is low in calories and carbs, promoting satiety and weight management.

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Red Rice: With its high fibre and antioxidant content, red rice is a healthier, low-carb substitute for white rice.

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Riced Butternut Squash: This slightly sweet, low-carb alternative to rice is nutrient-rich and pairs well with savoury dishes.

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