7 foods that raise blood sugar quickly

7 foods that raise blood sugar quickly

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White Bread: Low fibre, high glycemic index, leading to rapid blood sugar increase after consumption.

Image Source : Freepik

Fast Food: High in refined carbs, sugars, and unhealthy fats, causing rapid spikes in blood sugar

Image Source : Freepik

Starchy Vegetables: Potatoes, corn, and peas contain starches that can quickly raise blood sugar levels.

Image Source : Freepik

Sugary Drinks: Loaded with refined sugars, swiftly elevating blood glucose levels.

Image Source : Google

Ice Cream: High sugar and fat content, leading to rapid blood sugar elevation followed by a crash.

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Certain Fruits: Bananas, grapes, and melons are high in natural sugars, leading to quick blood sugar spikes.

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Non-Dairy Milk: Some varieties are sweetened with sugars, leading to rapid blood sugar elevation.

Image Source : Google

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