Get over fast food, here are 7 best late-night health snacks for your hunger

Get over fast food, here are 7 best late-night health snacks for your hunger

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Popcorn: A whole-grain snack, low in calories, and nutritional yeast adds a savoury, cheesy flavour

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Yoghurt with Fruits: Packed with protein and antioxidants, it's a satisfying and nutritious option.

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Milk and Cereal: This breakfast meal also makes for a smart midnight snack. Milk contains the sleep hormone melatonin which acts as a natural relaxant in the body.

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Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich: You cannot go wrong with this childhood favourite PB&J sandwich. Peanut Butter contains an amino acid that helps promote sleepiness.

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Cottage Cheese: A protein-packed late-night delight. Packed with casein, a slow-digesting protein, it supports muscle repair and promotes a feeling of fullness.

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Smoothie: This refreshing option not only caters to your taste preferences but also provides a mix of vitamins, and minerals, making it an ideal choice for a light and nourishing late-night indulgence.

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Dark Chocolate: A sweet treat with antioxidants, keeps diseases at bay and tastes best with almonds.

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