6 kitchen ingredients that are natural makeup removers

6 kitchen ingredients that are natural makeup removers

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Coconut Oil: This versatile kitchen staple works wonders as a makeup remover. Its natural oils break down makeup easily while moisturising the skin.

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Olive Oil: Another excellent option for removing makeup, olive oil is gentle on the skin and effectively dissolves even waterproof makeup.

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Cucumber: Sliced cucumber not only refreshes tired eyes but also acts as a natural makeup remover, especially for delicate areas around the eyes.

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Milk: The lactic acid in milk helps to dissolve makeup gently. Simply soak a cotton pad in milk and swipe away makeup for clean, hydrated skin.

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Honey: With its antibacterial properties, honey not only removes makeup but also leaves your skin feeling soft and nourished.

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Yogurt: Rich in probiotics and enzymes, yogurt is a soothing makeup remover that also helps to balance the skin's natural pH levels.

Image Source : Freepik

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