6 flavourful substitutes for onion to elevate your dishes

6 flavourful substitutes for onion to elevate your dishes

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Scallions: For a fresh and slightly pungent flavour, scallions are an excellent choice. Chop them finely and sprinkle over prepared dishes.

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Shallots: With a milder and sweeter flavour than onions, shallots add a subtle depth to dishes. Use them raw in salads or saute in sauces and stir-fries.

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Leeks: Offering a delicate onion-like taste, leeks work well in soups, stews, and casseroles. Saute it to impart a rich flavour to your dishes.

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Celery: While not quite like onions, celery offers a subtle savoury flavour and a satisfying crunch. Chop finely and add to salads, soups, and stir-fries.

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Garlic: Known for its aromatic and pungent taste, garlic can be a great substitute for onions in many recipes. Use it crushed to add depth to sauces and sautes.

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Fennel: With its sweet, licorice-like flavour, fennel can provide a unique substitute for onions in certain dishes. Use its slices raw in salads or roast alongside vegetables.

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