5 yoga poses to get rid of acidity instantly

5 yoga poses to get rid of acidity instantly

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Cat-Cow Stretch: Flow between arching and rounding your back, promoting digestion and relieving acidity by massaging abdominal organs.

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Seated Forward Bend: Stretch the spine, stimulate digestion, and alleviate acidity by compressing the abdominal organs and promoting healthy blood flow.

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Camel Pose: Enhance digestion, open the chest, and alleviate acidity by stretching the abdominal region and promoting flexibility in the spine.

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Knees-to-Chest Pose: Relieve gas and bloating, aiding digestion and reducing acidity by compressing the abdomen and promoting gentle massage to internal organs.

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Twisting Poses: Improve digestion and reduce acidity by wringing out toxins, massaging internal organs, and enhancing blood circulation.

Image Source : Google

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