5 Yoga Asanas to stay fit during winter

5 Yoga Asanas to stay fit during winter

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Doing yoga in winter enhances circulation, fostering warmth, flexibility, and immunity. Combats seasonal lethargy, and fosters vitality in cold, brisk weather.

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Paschimottanasana: Lengthens your spine & hamstrings, boosting flexibility & reducing back pain.

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Halasana: Inverts your body like a plough, stretching your spine and boosting digestion.

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Mandukasana: Crouching low like a frog, Mandukasana stretches hips, spine, and chest. This squat opens breath, improves digestion, and boosts energy.

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Virabhadrasana: Warrior pose; lunge deep, stretch arms high, ignite strength, breathe free. Promotes blood circulation.

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Bhujangasana: Lie on your belly, hands under shoulders, press chest and head up. Improves posture, flexibility, digestion, and mood.

Image Source : Google

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