5 yoga asanas to improve skin health

5 yoga asanas to improve skin health

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Headstand (Sirsasana): This pose increases blood flow to the face, which can help give your skin a healthy glow. By reversing the effects of gravity, it also aids in the reduction of facial wrinkles and the promotion of a clear complexion.

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Fish Pose (Matsyasana): Known for its heart-opening benefits, Fish Pose stretches the neck and chest, enhancing blood circulation. Improved circulation helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin, keeping it nourished and vibrant.

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Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This foundational pose not only energises the entire body but also promotes blood flow to the face. The increased circulation helps to detoxify the skin, reducing blemishes and contributing to a clearer complexion.

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Plow Pose (Halasana): By stimulating the thyroid gland and improving hormone regulation, Plough Pose can help manage skin issues like acne. The inverted position also boosts circulation to the face, promoting healthy, glowing skin.

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Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana): Often referred to as the queen of yoga poses, Shoulder Stand improves blood flow to the face, which can help reduce the appearance of acne and pimples. The pose also aids in detoxifying the body, which reflects on the skin’s health.

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