5 ways to use banana peel in your diet

5 ways to use banana peel in your diet

Image Source : Pexels

Banana peel pickles: Ferment peel with vinegar, salt, and spices. They're a tangy snack, packed with probiotics and fibre.

Image Source : Google

Banana peel muffins: Incorporate finely chopped peel into muffin batter. It enhances moisture and adds a subtle banana flavour.

Image Source : Google

Banana peel smoothie: Blend ripe banana peel with fruits for added nutrients. It's rich in fibre and antioxidants, aiding digestion.

Image Source : Google

Banana peel stir-fry: Sauté strips with vegetables and seasonings. It adds texture and a hint of sweetness to dishes.

Image Source : Google

Banana peel chutney: Cook peel with spices, vinegar, and sugar. It's flavorful and adds a tangy twist to meals.

Image Source : Google

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