5 ways to moisturise your dry hands this summer

5 ways to moisturise your dry hands this summer

Image Source : Freepik

Use a thick, creamy hand lotion: Opt for formulas with shea butter or glycerin to deeply hydrate and protect hands.

Image Source : Freepik

Apply Coconut Oil: Its natural fats lock in moisture, providing long-lasting hydration without a greasy feel.

Image Source : Freepik

Hydrate from within: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, promoting overall skin health.

Image Source : Freepik

Exfoliate gently: Use a mild hand scrub to remove dead skin cells and allow moisturizers to penetrate better, promoting smoother, hydrated hands.

Image Source : Google

Avoid harsh soaps and sanitisers: Opt for gentle, moisturizing soaps and alcohol-free sanitisers to prevent further drying out of your hands.

Image Source : Freepik

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