5 ways to make your veggies last longer

5 ways to make your veggies last longer

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Store in the Right Place: Leafy greens like spinach and lettuce stay fresh longer when stored in the fridge's crisper drawer, while potatoes and onions prefer a cool, dark place outside the fridge.

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Keep Vegetables Dry: Excess moisture speeds up spoilage. Pat vegetables dry with a paper towel before storing and use perforated plastic bags to allow air circulation while keeping humidity at bay.

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Use Airtight Containers: For cut or peeled veggies, store them in airtight containers to keep them fresh and prevent them from absorbing other fridge odours.

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Blanch and Freeze: Blanching vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and peas before freezing them locks in flavour and nutrients, extending their shelf life significantly.

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Separate Ethylene Producers: Some vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers, produce ethylene gas, which can speed up the ripening and spoilage of other veggies. Store ethylene-sensitive vegetables like leafy greens separately.

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