5 ways to eat Tomatoes to live longer

5 ways to eat Tomatoes to live longer

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Tomato Salad: Combine fresh tomatoes with leafy greens, olive oil, and a splash of lemon for a nutrient-packed, antioxidant-rich salad.

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Tomato Soup: Enjoy a bowl of homemade tomato soup, rich in lycopene, which can help reduce inflammation and improve heart health.

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Salsa: Use fresh tomatoes in a salsa, mixing with onions, cilantro, and lime juice. It's a tasty way to boost your intake of vitamins and antioxidants.

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Tomato Sauce: Incorporate tomato sauce into your meals, such as pasta or as a base for stews. Cooking tomatoes can increase the availability of lycopene.

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Stuffed Tomatoes: Fill tomatoes with a mixture of grains, vegetables, and herbs for a delicious, fiber-rich meal that supports digestion and overall health.

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