5 vitamin B-12 rich foods for non-vegetarians

5 vitamin B-12 rich foods for non-vegetarians

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Clams: Packed with vitamin B-12, clams are one of the top sources of this essential nutrient. Just a small serving can provide several times the daily recommended amount.

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Liver: Beef liver is incredibly high in vitamin B-12, offering a substantial dose with just a single serving. It's also rich in other vital nutrients.

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Salmon: This popular fish is not only delicious but also an excellent source of vitamin B-12. It also provides healthy fats and protein.

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Tuna: Another fish that's high in B-12, tuna is versatile and can be enjoyed in various dishes. It's also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

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Chicken: Specifically, chicken breast contains a respectable amount of vitamin B-12. It's a great option for those who prefer poultry over seafood or red meat.

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