5 tips to keep Tulsi plant safe in monsoon

5 tips to keep Tulsi plant safe in monsoon

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Ensure Proper Drainage: Use well-draining soil and pots with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which can rot the roots.

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Avoid Overwatering: Rain can provide sufficient moisture, so cut back on additional watering to avoid soggy soil.

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Place in Indirect Sunlight: Keep the Tulsi plant in a spot where it gets indirect sunlight, as too much rainwater and lack of sunlight can weaken the plant.

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Use Neem Oil: Spray diluted neem oil on the plant to protect it from fungal infections and pests, which are common during the monsoon.

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Prune Regularly: Trim the plant to remove dead leaves and branches, ensuring better airflow and reducing the risk of fungal growth.

Image Source : Social

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