5 superfood fruits for healthier hair

5 superfood fruits for healthier hair

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Guava: Vitamin C-rich, fosters collagen synthesis for strong hair, protects follicles from free radicals, ensuring vitality and overall hair health.

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Papaya: High in vitamins A and C, promotes sebum production for hydrated hair, strengthens strands, and cleanses the scalp for growth.

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Kiwi: Vitamin C-rich, supports collagen synthesis for elastic hair strands, reducing breakage and fostering a healthy scalp and growth.

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Avocado: Packed with vitamins E and C, monounsaturated fats nourish the scalp, hydrate hair, and enhance overall health and appearance.

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Berries: Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants promote collagen for strong, vibrant hair, preventing damage and supporting overall hair health.

Image Source : Google

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