5 simple Yoga Mudras for a healthy heart

5 simple Yoga Mudras for a healthy heart

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Anahata Mudra: Gently press the pads of your thumbs together, while keeping your fingers extended. This mudra helps calm the mind and reduce stress, benefiting heart health.

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Prana Mudra: Touch the tips of your ring and little fingers to the tip of your thumb. This gesture boosts vitality and improves circulation, supporting overall heart function.

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Vayu Mudra: Fold your index finger to touch the base of your thumb, then cover it with your thumb. This mudra helps balance the air element in the body, which can reduce heart-related issues.

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Apan Mudra: Connect the tips of your middle and ring fingers with your thumb. This gesture aids in detoxifying the body and maintaining a healthy heart rhythm.

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Gyan Mudra: Join the tips of your index finger and thumb together, keeping the other fingers extended. This mudra promotes mental clarity and emotional stability, which are crucial for heart health.

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