5 Simple and tasty cold breakfasts to beat the heat this summer

5 Simple and tasty cold breakfasts to beat the heat this summer

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Untoasted sandwiches make for a great cold breakfast in the summer. You can add a mixture of cheese, avocado paste and fresh vegetables for a refreshing meal in the morning.

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Oats are another form of cold breakfast with several health benefits. Rich in fibre and other essential nutrients, oats are easy to make and the fibre content helps to keep you feeling full throughout the day.

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Yoghurt is one of the staple cold breakfasts as it is both cooling and healthy. Milk contains calcium and lactic acid which can help improve gut health and stomach.

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One of the easiest and best ways to have a cold breakfast is to grab a bowl of fruits. Rich in water content and other essential nutrients, they are a simple and delicious meal for the summer morning.

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Another interesting alternative would be to try a smoothie in the morning to start your day. Grab your favourite fruit, some milk and a blender to create a smoothie and enjoy the taste and richness of fruits.

Image Source : Pexels

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