5 signs that you are suffering from birthday blues

5 signs that you are suffering from birthday blues

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Birthday blues refer to feelings of sadness, loneliness, or dissatisfaction experienced by some individuals on or around their birthdays, often due to unmet expectations or reflecting on aging.

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Lack of enthusiasm: Finding it difficult to muster excitement or joy about your upcoming birthday festivities could indicate birthday blues.

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Increased irritability: Feeling unusually irritable or moody as your birthday approaches may be a sign of underlying dissatisfaction.

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Withdrawal from socialising: Preferring solitude over social gatherings and avoiding birthday celebrations with friends and family could signal birthday blues.

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Reflecting on mortality: Thoughts about ageing, mortality, and unfulfilled goals may become more prominent, contributing to feelings of sadness.

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Comparison with others: Constantly comparing your life achievements, relationships, or material possessions to others may exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.

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