5 refreshing curd-based drinks to beat the summer heat

5 refreshing curd-based drinks to beat the summer heat

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Lassi: A classic Indian drink, lassi is made by blending yogurt with water and flavoured with either sweet or savoury ingredients like mango, rose, or mint. It's creamy, refreshing, and perfect for hot summer days.

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Chaas: Also known as buttermilk, chaas is made by thinning yogurt with water and seasoned with salt, roasted cumin powder, and chopped cilantro. It's light, tangy, and aids digestion, making it an ideal choice for cooling down in the heat.

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Ayran: Popular in Middle Eastern cuisine, ayran combines yogurt with water and a pinch of salt. It's a simple yet effective way to replenish electrolytes lost through sweating and keep hydrated during scorching temperatures.

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Tzatziki: Originating from Greek cuisine, tzatziki is a creamy dip made with yogurt, cucumber, garlic, and herbs like dill or mint. Enjoy it as a refreshing drink by simply thinning it with water, adding a squeeze of lemon, and stirring well.

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Kefir Smoothie: Kefir, a fermented milk drink, makes for a tangy and probiotic-rich base for smoothies. Blend kefir with fresh fruits like berries, banana, or mango for a delicious and nutritious drink that not only cools you down but also supports gut health.

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Next : 5 curd-based dishes that are perfect summer delights