5 quick, easy donut recipes to make under 15 mins

5 quick, easy donut recipes to make under 15 mins

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Classic Glazed Donuts: Whip a simple batter of flour, sugar, milk, and baking powder. Fry until golden brown, then dip in a sweet glaze of powdered sugar and milk.

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Chocolate Sprinkle Donuts: Prepare a basic donut batter and fry until puffed and golden. Melt chocolate chips and dip the cooled donuts into the chocolate, then sprinkle with colourful sprinkles.

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Maple Bacon Donuts: Fry canned biscuit dough until golden brown, then dip the tops in warm maple syrup. Sprinkle cooked and crumbled bacon over the syrup for a sweet and savory delight.

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Cinnamon Sugar Donut Holes: Mix cinnamon and sugar in a bowl. Roll store-bought biscuit dough into small balls, fry until golden, then toss in the cinnamon-sugar mixture for a quick and delicious treat.

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Quick Jelly Donuts: Flatten canned biscuit dough, spoon a dollop of your favorite jelly in the center, then fold and seal the edges. Fry until golden brown, then dust with powdered sugar for a speedy twist on a classic favorite.

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