5 protein-packed smoothies for muscle building

5 protein-packed smoothies for muscle building

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Almond and Banana Smoothie: This creamy blend combines the protein punch of almonds with the natural sweetness and energy-boosting properties of bananas. Add some yogurt for extra protein and a smooth texture.

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Spinach and Paneer Smoothie: A green powerhouse, this smoothie mixes fresh spinach with protein-rich paneer (Indian cottage cheese). Throw in some almonds and a touch of honey for added flavour and nutrition.

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Mango and Greek Yogurt Smoothie: Mangoes, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, pair perfectly with Greek yogurt, which is high in protein. A dash of cardamom enhances the flavor while providing an exotic twist.

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Chickpea and Dates Smoothie: Blend cooked chickpeas with dates for a unique smoothie that's both protein-rich and naturally sweet. Add a bit of cinnamon and almond milk to round out the flavours and texture.

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Oats and Peanut Butter Smoothie: Oats provide complex carbohydrates and fiber, while peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. Blend with milk and a banana for a satisfying, muscle-building smoothie.

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