5 probiotic foods for healthy, happy gut

5 probiotic foods for healthy, happy gut

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Yogurt: Rich in live cultures like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, yogurt is a popular probiotic food that supports gut health and improves digestion.

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Kefir: This fermented milk drink is packed with diverse probiotic strains, offering numerous benefits for gut health and boosting the immune system.

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Sauerkraut: Made from fermented cabbage, sauerkraut is not only a delicious condiment but also a great source of probiotics and vitamins that promote a healthy gut.

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Kimchi: A staple in Korean cuisine, kimchi is a spicy fermented vegetable dish that provides beneficial bacteria and aids in digestion.

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Miso: This traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans is rich in probiotics and adds a savory flavor to soups and other dishes while supporting gut health.

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