5 plant-based milks you should add to your diet

5 plant-based milks you should add to your diet

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Almond Milk: This milk is one of the most popular vegan milk options. It is low in calories and has healthy fats along with proteins and vitamin E.

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Soy Milk: This is another popular choice. It is rich in calcium, protein, vitamin D and B12.

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Coconut Milk: This milk is made from coconut but is not the same as coconut water which is derived from tender coconuts. This milk is used in several dishes and has vitamins and minerals present in them.

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Rice Milk: This milk can be made using rice and water. First, soak the rice, then blend it with water and finally strain it and your rice milk will be ready.

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Oat Milk: This milk is popular among vegans and can be made easily at home. Blend together oats and water and you will have your oat milk ready.

Image Source : Freepik

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